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Social Media Manpower

Social Media Manpower

Social media is an integral part of an overall communications strategy. In our State of Social Media Benchmark Survey, nearly 90 percent of respondents report having a social media strategy in place. One-fifth of our respondents stated their biggest social media challenge is investing time and manpower in a social strategy. This response isn’t surprising. With…

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Beware of These 15 Common Grammar Mistakes

Beware of These 15 Common Grammar Mistakes

We’ve all been there, looking at an email or a blog to see one glaring error, whether it was a typo or elementary-level grammar mistake. While they’re honest, common mistakes, they’re still seen as unprofessional and can make the difference between a potential and a lost client. Here are 15 common errors to keep on…

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How Content Marketing Is Superior to Advertising

How Content Marketing Is Superior to Advertising

“Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.” ― Philip Kotler     What is the best way to spend your marketing dollar? The answer you receive to this question will vary widely based on who you ask. But one thing…

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How to connect with your audience

How to connect with your audience

It’s easy to become overwhelmed with social media options. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are the marketing titans, but who wants to miss out on Snapchat, Periscope or Meerkat? So where do you begin? Do you try to do it all, or do it well? Your company’s social media needs are unique to your brand,…

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Making Time to Write

Making Time to Write

If you’re like most company bloggers, writing is not your only job. This means having to shuffle your schedule to open a document and begin. It is intimidating, no matter how long you’ve been doing it. And even after making the time to write, there are all sorts of mental blocks, such as coming up…

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How social should you be on social media?

How social should you be on social media?

When it comes to posting on social media, what’s the best recipe for success? How often you post can either drive engagement or lead to disinterested followers. Because social media is an integral part of a successful content strategy, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of frequency and consistency to make the most of your…

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6 Steps To Selecting Powerful Visuals

6 Steps To Selecting Powerful Visuals

If a picture is worth a thousand words, shouldn’t you be choosing carefully? A good image can make or break your content. Here are a few tips to selecting strong images. 1. Create emotion. The image should cause some kind of emotion—preferably, the one you’re aiming for. Talking about important legislation? A picture of people…

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5 Key Elements to Creating a Styleguide

5 Key Elements to Creating a Styleguide

  Managing a multi-author blog is difficult. A styleguide is a cheat-sheet for your entire company to follow with its communications. From spelling to punctuation to colors, a styleguide controls how a company will present itself in print and digitally, which ultimately sets the tone for its brand and its standards. So where to start?…

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The 4-11 on Content Marketing

The 4-11 on Content Marketing

  People are wary of advertising. It’s easy to fast-forward through commercials, skim past print ads, and block pop-ups. But what if there was a way to bypass the obstacles of traditional sale funnels? Enter content marketing. Content marketing is the thoughtful exchange of information between a clearly defined audience and a brand– with the objective…

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