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Social Media Manpower

Social Media Manpower

Social media is an integral part of an overall communications strategy. In our State of Social Media Benchmark Survey, nearly 90 percent of respondents report having a social media strategy in place. One-fifth of our respondents stated their biggest social media challenge is investing time and manpower in a social strategy. This response isn’t surprising. With…

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5 Key Elements to Creating a Styleguide

5 Key Elements to Creating a Styleguide

  Managing a multi-author blog is difficult. A styleguide is a cheat-sheet for your entire company to follow with its communications. From spelling to punctuation to colors, a styleguide controls how a company will present itself in print and digitally, which ultimately sets the tone for its brand and its standards. So where to start?…

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Do Your Research: Why Competitive Analysis Are A Must

Do Your Research: Why Competitive Analysis Are A Must

  No organization exists in a vacuum. For that reason, it’s important to know what your peers say and how they say it. Unfortunately, a lot of companies turn a blind eye to competitors. As part of our series on research and why it’s important, we’re discussing the importance of checking out the competition during…

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9 Tips for Growing Your Audience With Instagram for Business

9 Tips for Growing Your Audience With Instagram for Business

  Brands are flocking to Instagram for its beautiful images and easy-to-view feed. If you want to connect with a millennial audience, who represent 59% of Instagam’s 700 million users, it is time to join the platform. Here are nine tips for managing your business’s account from brands and organizations doing Instagram right. 1. Optimize…

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6 Ways To Keep Readers On Your Site

6 Ways To Keep Readers On Your Site

  While every website should be primed to make a strong first impression, it’s no longer enough to simply have a pretty front page. At least 30 percent of web traffic comes from social media alone, meaning people are sharing individual articles, not entire websites. If users like what they see, they stick around for…

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