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Generational Marketing: Do you really know your audience?

Generational Marketing: Do you really know your audience?

  If you’re marketing to a niche group, it’s easy to figure out exactly how to reach them. But if you’re marketing to the masses, what works for one age group does not always work for another. You won’t find 70-year-olds on Snapchat and you won’t convince a millennial to buy something by sending a…

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How to Successfully Interview a Source

How to Successfully Interview a Source

  Content marketing may be marketing, but it is built on solid journalism. It’s delivering an important story backed by solid facts and observations, balanced with both sides of that story. The end result should be a story; not a press release. One important way to collect this information is to simply ask your subject…

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The 3 Rs of Recycling Content

The 3 Rs of Recycling Content

  It’s a renewable world out there, and your content is no different. If you are limited in your resources to create new content, consider using the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, or in the case of content, Refresh, Repost, Repurpose, to help you save on resources and remain engaged with your audience. There are…

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Case Study: Making the Cover

Case Study: Making the Cover

Everyone judges a book by its cover, and Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service knew that. It wanted to feature Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense, on the cover, following his speech at the school’s graduation ceremony. For maximum versatility and options, WCM likes to set up a photo shoot for the magazine covers it produces….

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5 Elements of a Great Styleguide

5 Elements of a Great Styleguide

Managing a multi-author blog is difficult. A styleguide is a cheat-sheet for your entire company to follow with its communications. From spelling to punctuation to colors, a styleguide controls how a company will present itself on paper or screen, which ultimately sets the tone for its brand and its standards. So where to start? Adopt…

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